Regulating Tools for Overstimulated Moms

Long before I knew I was ADHD, I knew I was an overstimulated mom. That was language I had access to and I would describe the feeling of being overstimulated, overwhelmed, "drowning", and felt I had an inability to cope.
As I learned more, I began to find ways to help keep myself regulated.
Now, I'm sharing that with you.
Simple, actionable tools you can implement to combat the overstimulation of motherhood.

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All of the tools listed are easily accessible, actionable, and can be included in your regulation plan.

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    Sam Johnson

    Coach, Podcast Host, Advocate

    Mom, Late realised AuDHDer

    Who am I?

    I'm Sam.

    An elder millennial, autistic - ADHD mom to one vivacious kiddo.

    I'm taking all that I've learned (and continue to learn) on my journey and helping mothers navigate their way through parenting and being neurodivergent.

    Join my group coaching program.

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